I recently presented a talk at the Spain.js conference and I spent a long time (a long, long time) making my slides. Then I realized that while it was a good slide deck for the presentation, it was nearly useless without me accompanying it. Since the talk was not recorded :(, I reworked the slides completely to serve as a standalone deck.
I hope this is helpful to you! Special thanks to everyone that has helped me on my Maker journey so far – Jeff McAlvay, the OpenROVs, the Upverters, Lady Ada, and more. Super thanks to the organizers of Spain.js for inviting me to speak and to Manilla for sponsoring my travel.
Download Presentation (17MB pdf)
If you’d like to have me present this or similar topic at your event, please email me
What did people think of the talk?
An amazing talk by @christensenp. Programming the real world. My fav so far! #spainjs.
— Michael Koper (@michaelkoper) July 6, 2013
@christensenp Thanks for such an awesome talk, plenty of entry points and resources, inspirational examples and good for thought #spainjs
— Raul Murciano (@happywebcoder) July 6, 2013
speaker @christensenp is re-kindling my desire to learn hardware/electronics. You’re never too old to start, right? #spainjs
— David LeMieux (@lemieuxster) July 6, 2013
Enjoy, and go make something!
[…] Peter Christensen (@christensenp) : Programming the Real World: Javascript for Makers || Slides and reactions […]