I’ve recently come into possession of a damaged, non-functioning iPod Nano (Public Service Announcement: be careful how you hold your iPod when operating a urinal) that gave its body to science. After cleaning and drying it, I decided to see what was inside. I never took things apart as a kid because a) I took good care of things so they didn’t break, and b) if I couldn’t get it working again, I wouldn’t get a new one, so I didn’t risk it. First time for everything!
So here’s my photo documentary about taking my iPod Nano apart. I have no great electrical skills so I didn’t bother trying to fix it; I just wanted to see how it was put together and what was inside.
[DISCLAIMER: The thumbnails were automatically generated by WordPress and therefore not always centered or cropped the way I would like. Click on each image for larger and more complete images.]
First, a front and back view of the iPod: