[UPDATED 6/3/2008: I fixed a duplicate, found some more registration forms, and updated the stats.]
We’re blogging live from the Chicago Lisp User Group’s Intro to Lisp Workshop, and (now that my presentation is done – whew!) here are some statistics on the attendees, based on our ghetto paper signin forms.
Total People: 41. Only 5 were involved in planning or presenting, and only 10 had ever been to one of our meetings.
Total Registration Forms: 25 31. This is the baseline for all of the statistics below (except How Did You Hear?) and doesn’t include Chicago Lisp members. 22 of them wanted to receive email announcements of future meetings.
Geographic Distribution:
Within Chicago – 68%
Illinois (outside Chicago) – 13%
Out of State – 19% (Madison and LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Omaha, Nebraska, and Columbus, Ohio)
People driving over 100 miles – 7
Furthest Travelers: Blaine and Scott from Omaha – 468 miles!
% Gmail Addresses: 45%
Primary Languages (% of registrants) – people could specify more than one
Java – 48%
Ruby – 39%
Python – 29%
C++ – 26%
C – 26%
Javascript – 16%
Perl – 10%
C# – 10%
Lisp – 10%
Obj-C – 6%
PHP – 6%
Bash – 3%
Erlang – 3%
VB – 3%
Fortran – 3%
Groovy – 3%
SmallTalk – 3%
Primary Operating System (% of registrants) – again, people could specify more than one
Linux – 71%
OSX – 48%
Windows – 13%
Solaris – 3%
How Did You Hear About The Workshop? (% of those who answered) – one answer, but I forgot to write it on the form so only 14 answered it.
Chicago Linux User Group – 29%
Chicago Python User Group – 14%
Chicago Ruby User Group – 29%
Other – 36%
I’ll put up Here’s an HTML version of my slideshow “Lisp Basics and Idioms” soon. I’m not sure what to do about the Macros presentation since it’s more in depth and was very interactive on screen (and we didn’t screen capture it). I video recorded the presentations but it’ll take me a while to get them off my camcorder and edit and process them. Keep your eyes here for more goodness.
Overall very enjoyable afternoon. I enjoyed your presentation and the effort you are all putting in this. I hope there will be many other workshops. Thanks.
Wow, you got 41 people? That’s great. Congratulations!
Superb! But how come Lisp is twice on the primary language statistic (4% and 8%) – it must be one of a kind :-))
Deiter – Thanks for that catch. I updated that along with the stats from some more reg forms I found afterwards.