Book Review – The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability by Paul Hawken Quick Review: Sustainability isn\'t enough – as business and the world population grows, society needs to move away from the current system of waste and … [Read more]
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment DISASTER
Well, as you can tell from the title, this post doesn\'t contain good news. Well, mostly not good news. On Sunday night I kept the polyphasic sleep schedule for most of the night, but when I woke up from my 4:00am nap, I went to the couch and … [Read more]
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment Day 3
If the difference between yesterday and today is any indication, then I think I\'m over the hump. There were only two times today when I felt like I couldn\'t stay awake. One was during a two hour meeting at church where I couldn\'t move around, … [Read more]
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment Day 2
Well, Steve was right about day 2. It was much harder than yesterday. The whole principle of the adjustment period is that by deliberately depriving yourself of sleep, your boy has to quickly adapt in order to keep up. I think that … [Read more]
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment Day 1
I\'m not a superstitious person, but I thought it was a little odd to start something as unusual as polyphasic sleep on Friday the 13th. I considered renting a bunch of horror movies to watch while I was trying to stay up through the night, but I … [Read more]
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment Background
A few weeks ago, I read about Steve Pavlina\'s experiment with polyphasic sleep. Polyphasic sleep means taking short naps every few hours, as opposed to monophasic sleep, which is sleeping for one long period a day (this is what most people do). … [Read more]